Prototype #1
This first prototype was mostly about me experimenting with methods and techniques. Since I wanted to start recording and mapping colours, I documented one block and tried to figure out ways I could translate it into visuals. I feel like it falls somewhere between ‘implementation’ and ‘look and feel’ prototypes.
Preparing for the Final Project
Since finishing 7-in-7, I’ve been taking some time to figure out what I want to work on for the next month or so. My 7-in-7 ideas initially seemed to me unsustainable out-of-context, but I enjoyed the theme I explored and I do want to continue working with it.
Reflecting on Sprints
I really enjoyed working with limited design constraints and set briefs the past couple weeks. I feel like restraints inspire better, more creative design solutions, since just the mere existence of restraints or limited design briefs challenges us to think outside of our instinctual design ideas and helps develop innovative solutions.
Inspiration and Collaboration
I feel the pace up exponentially as we get further into the semester, and it’s a task in and of itself to keep up with everything I have to do! Even so, I feel like my biggest challenge this week was less time management, and more getting through things that were completely unfamiliar to me to find inspiration.
Reflecting on ISFS
It’s been four weeks at DT! Time is flying by - it feels like just yesterday we were introduced to the program, and now we’re through one fourth of the semester!
Beginning ISFS
For the past week or so, we’ve been working on Instruction Sets for Strangers. A lot of this project has been, so far, in my comfort zone. However, something I have found challenging is taking a step back, trying to just observe strangers instead of trying to solve a ‘problem’.
Settling in to DT
The first week (it hasn’t even been a week yet, actually!) at DT has been… unexpected, to say the least.