Settling in to DT
The first week (it hasn’t even been a week yet, actually!) at DT has been… unexpected, to say the least. It simultaneously feels like a long time and no time at all. I’m surprised at how quickly I’m starting to get used to the university, but I’m also excited about how much more there is to learn.
It’s been a whirlwind - of events, of new things, of emotions; which moving to a new country half the world away from most everybody I know only exacerbated. I love the city, the context of the university, and so many things about classes and the way design is approached - which is very different from how it is in India. I did promise myself I’d be better with time management this year, but I’m already lagging behind on that a little because I came in to D12 to work today and ended up doing this for half an hour before class:
The class at the museum has been one of my favourite things so far. I feel like my architect-trained brain focused a lot more on the building itself than the exhibits inside it, but the woodwork and construction of the building is so beautiful that it probably deserves to be called an exhibit itself. The details of the building were extraordinary.
I have spent so much of the week going through Making Center orientations, and so far I’m looking forward to having all the facilities I used to hunt down in corners of New Delhi available in my own university. We had a Creative Practice Seminar, and I really enjoyed the in-class activities and reflections we did. I’ve also been exploring New York in bits and pieces with my sister before she goes home to India, and the city continues to fascinate my self and the urban designer in me. Overall, very much optimistic about my time here and the months to come!