User Testing Goals

What purpose does your prototype serve?

The first prototype will likely be a look and feel prototype. It will be a simpler, low tech version of what I’m hoping to create for my final

What questions do you hope to answer through the prototype and its testing?

  • How much information do I want to give users before they interact with the project?

  • How confusing do I want the output to be?

  • How many layers do I want in the output?

  • Is there a preferred direction I want people to go in or do I just want to let them do what they want?

What kinds of feedback do you seek?

  • Is the prototype easy or confusing to understand?

  • How did users feel when they engaged with the prototype?

  • Do users feel connected to the visuals and music they ‘produce’?

What will success look like?

  • Users are successfully able to move around to affect the visual and musical outputs on the screen and speakers. 

  • Users can tentatively understand what kind of movement triggers what kind of change in the output.

What could possibly go wrong?

  • Technology glitches/stops working.

  • Users are unable to understand how their movement affects the output.


Prototype 1


Practical Considerations