Practical Considerations


  • How can I get real time tracking information from the Azure Kinect?

  • How can I import the above information into javascript?

  • How can I get data for two people at a time?

  • Is there any viability to ml5.js as a backup technological plan?


  • How much information do I want to give users before they interact with the project?

  • How confusing do I want the output to be?

  • Musical

    • How do people want to participate in the creation of music?

    • What/how many musical notes do I want to map?

    • What kind of musical scales sound good together?

    • How can I map musical scales to the x, y, and z positions of different body parts?

  • Visual

    • How do humans intuitively visualise music?

    • How can I visualise music in a way that is not obvious but also intuitive?

    • How do I reconcile visualisation of music vs visualisation of physical positions?

  • How many layers do I want in the output?

  • Is there a preferred direction I want people to go in or do I just want to let them do what they want?

  • If there is a direction, how do I lead people there?


User Testing Goals


Primary Research Documentation | Part 2